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Parkland High School

Educating for Success, Inspiring Excellence

HS Summer Assignments

Students and Parents:

Please read the letter that applies to you PHS (for students going into grades 10-12) or 8th Grade (for students going into grade 9). 


All summer assignment questions must go to the specific content area teacher as follows:

English - Mr. Tim Schwarz

Math - Mr. Tony Galucy

AP Enviro Science - Mr. Abu Shaw 
Mrs. Sarah Yenser

AP Chem - Mrs. Patricia Metz

Social Studies - Mrs. Ellen Snyder


  1. Where do I obtain the materials and/or resources to complete the summer assignment?

All materials and/or resources can be found on Schoology for completion of summer assignments.  Students and their families should read the “Letter to Parkland High School Parents” (link above) for more detailed information on how to access the assignments in Schoology and for more specific details on the resources/material that are needed.

  1. Must I complete this summer assignment if I enrolled in the Parkland School District after the summer session?

Yes, regardless when a student enters an honors or AP course, if the course requires the completion of a summer assignment, the student will be expected to complete the assignment within 30 calendar days from the first day the student enters the class.  Students submitting the assignment late will have points deducted for each day late as identified by the teacher’s grading and class management guidelines.  After the fifth day late, the grade will be a zero.

  1. May I submit the completed assignment earlier than the required date?

Students should submit the assignment by the required due date (typically the first day of school).  Some assignments may allow for earlier submission.  Students should carefully review all summer assignment instructions to see if this is possible. 

  1. What happens if the assignment is late or is not submitted?

Students submitting the assignment late will have points deducted per day as identified by the teacher’s grading and class management guidelines.  On the fifth late day, the student will receive a zero for that assignment.

  1. Is the assignment graded and what is the value of the assignment?

Each assignment will be graded as described in the assignment itself.  Point values will vary from course to course, but all assignments will be graded.

  1. Do we require a summer assignment for all courses?

No.  Please refer to the “Letter to Parkland High School Parents” and/or to the PHS Summer Assignments Group in Schoology for the list of courses that require completion of a summer assignment. 

  1.  Whom should I contact if I have questions?

If you have a question about the assignment, please contact the person listed in the assignment or the teacher who is listed as the contact person in each content area.

If you have any other questions, please call Tammy Bennick,  Assistant Principal : 610.351.5600 :